The function generates the input data needed for population genetics analyses using whole genome SNPs data genotyped from the malaria parasite.
vcf_file = NULL,
meta_file = NULL,
output_dir = NULL,
gof = NULL,
gff = NULL,
num_threads = 4L
The path to the input VCF file (required)
The path to the sample metadata file (required)
The path to the folder where the output and temporary files will be stored (optional)
The gene ontology annotation file (optional). If not provided, the default file obtained from the PlasmoDB # nolint: line_length_linter will be used
The gene annotation file (optional). If not provided, the default file obtained from the PlasmoDB # nolint: line_length_linter will be used
The number of threads to be used when reading in the data from the VCF file. default is 4
An object of class SNPdata
with the following 4 elements:
meta: A data.frame
that contains the sample's metadata
details: A data.frame
with the SNPs genomic coordinates, the
fraction of missing data per SNP and the names and descriptions of the
gene on which they are located.
GT: An integer matrix
with the genotype data. 0='reference allele',
1='alternate allele', 2='mixed allele', NA='missing allele'
vcf: the full path to the VCF file from which the data is generated.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
snpdata <- get_snpdata(
vcf_file = system.file("extdata", "Input_Data.vcf.gz",
package = "mpbr"),
meta_file = system.file("extdata", "SampleMetadata.RDS",
package = "mpbr"),
output_dir = tempdir()
} # }